Sandarbh Artist Residency
December 2012-February 2013
Cement Chai
Lettering Enamel on Cement encasing stainless steel cup
Cement Chai was produced while at Sandarbh International Artist Residency in Partapur, India. A series of hand painted cement Chai cups made from concrete and sand found in Partapur and designs sourced from the wonderful pastel painted homes that color the town. Partapur is a city built in concrete and using this object would mean having to kiss (put your lips to) the very material that has built this town while enjoying the ubiquitous drink that powers the people of this country. These objects are left on site or given as gifts to the owners of the homes which provided inspiration.
Laddu Offering Book
Offset Print with Ashtagandha powder
Laddu Offering Book enables people to make gifts toto Lord Laddu, the greatest Indian dessert of all time. The ritual involves rubbing Ashtaganbha, an orange dye with religious significance. This project was created while at the Sandarbh Residency in Partapur, India. Hundreds of prints were disbursed through the village.
Other residency miscellany. Artist banandas in school uniform blue. Goods Carried, hand painted piece of marble that was delivered to the residency site on a truck handpainted with the text, "Goods Carrier." Ashtry for Conversation, two spaces in a long cement form with lettering enamel that says, "Smoking will Kill" in paint that matches the cement. I am Fine, little interventions in Hindi and English that were pasted around Partapur.